News list for " DOJ"


a16z 发文表示,美国司法部(DOJ)应该停止让 DeFi 协议为其没有煽动和无法控制的不法行为负责。 文章指出:让人们对他们没有权力或控制的系统和活动负责会导致不良后果。不幸的是,司法部忽略了这一区别,并试图通过让软件开发人员对使用其最初创建但不再控制的中立工具的第三方的行为负责来做到这一点。

2025-02-05 14:50:29
During the Christmas holiday, the gold weekly closed the Doji pattern, and the market direction was not clear. Implied volatility continued to weaken, or suggested that gold prices continued to fluctuate. This week is the New Year's Day holiday week, liquidity may be worse, and it is difficult to see meaningful breakthroughs...

During the Christmas holiday, the gold weekly closed the Doji pattern, and the market direction was not clear. Implied volatility continued to weaken, or suggested that gold prices continued to fluctuate. This week is the New Year's Day holiday week, liquidity may be worse, and it is difficult to see meaningful breakthroughs > >

2024-12-30 10:05:15
Sushi launches Dojo Agent and Tweet Tokens to tokenize tweets or create MEME tokens on Twitter

Sushi announced in an official post that Dojo Agent and Tweet Tokens are now live, and their proxy tool allows users to tokenize their favorite tweets or create their own MEME tokens directly from Twitter. Publishing tokens from Twitter is completely free. Please note that each user has a 5-minute interval between creating tokens to avoid fraud.

2024-11-28 11:05:57
Sushi上线Dojo Agent和Tweet Tokens功能,可代币化推文或在推特创建MEME币

Sushi 官方发文宣布,Dojo Agent 和 Tweet Tokens 现已上线,其代理工具可支持用户将自己喜欢的推文进行代币化,或者直接从 Twitter 上创建属于自己的 MEME 币。 从 Twitter 发布代币完全免费,请注意,每个用户在创建代币之间的时间间隔为 5 分钟,以避免欺诈。

2024-11-28 11:05:57
Department of Justice sets up website to collect statements from victims of the Bitfinex hack

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has set up a website to collect representations from those affected by the 2016 Bitfinex hack, with the aim of providing potential victims with an opportunity to speak about the impact of Ilya Lichathan and his wife Heather Morgan's criminal actions on them. Despite the Department of Justice's position that there are no victims of the convicted crimes under the Crime Victims' Bill of Rights (CVRA), the department has issued this notice to the public to ensure that...

2024-11-08 22:37:49

美国司法部(DOJ)已经建立了一个网站,收集 2016 年 Bitfinex 黑客攻击事件受影响人员的陈述信息,旨在为潜在受害者提供机会,让他们讲述 Ilya Lichtenstein 和他的妻子 Heather Morgan 的犯罪行为对他们的影响。尽管美国司法部的立场是,根据《犯罪受害者权利法案》(CVRA),定罪的罪行没有受害者,但该部门还是向公众发出了此通知,以确保任何可能因被告的行为而...

2024-11-08 22:37:49
Department of Justice Orders Return of Funds Seized in Bankrupt Bank's Cryptocurrency Plans

The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced Monday that a federal judge in Wichita, Kansas, has ordered millions of dollars seized by the government to be returned to investors affected by the collapse of Heartland Tri-State Bank (HTSB). The DOJ explained: After a $47.10 million cryptocurrency scheme led to the collapse of a Kansas bank, a federal judge at a compensation hearing ordered millions of dollars seized by the government to be distributed to investors who suffered financial losses.

2024-11-06 12:36:46

美国司法部 (DOJ) 周一宣布,堪萨斯州威奇托市的一名联邦法官下令将政府扣押的数百万美元返还给受Heartland Tri-State Bank (HTSB)倒闭影响的投资者。司法部解释道: 在一项价值4710万美元的加密货币计划导致堪萨斯州一家银行倒闭后,一名联邦法官在赔偿听证会上下令将政府扣押的数百万美元分配给遭受财务损失的投资者。

2024-11-06 12:36:46
The United States has charged a businessperson with operating an unlicensed cryptocurrency and fiat currency acceptance business

The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that Florida businessperson Christopher James Scanlon is facing federal charges for allegedly operating an unlicensed cryptocurrency and fiat currency acceptance business. Christopher James Scanlon, originally from Utah, was arrested at Miami International Airport on October 10 and subsequently pleaded not guilty in federal court in Newark. According to the indictment, Aurae Lifestyle and Club Swan CEO Christopher James Scanlon managed PMA Media.

2024-10-26 14:05:44

美国司法部 (DOJ) 宣布,佛罗里达州商人Christopher James Scanlon因涉嫌经营未经许可的加密货币和法定货币承兑业务而面临联邦指控。Christopher James Scanlon来自犹他州,于 10 月 10 日在迈阿密国际机场被捕,随后在纽瓦克联邦法院表示不认罪。 根据起诉书,Aurae Lifestyle 和 Club Swan 首席执行官 Christopher James Scanlon 管理着 PMA Media...

2024-10-26 14:05:44
The FBI has arrested a hacker suspected of carrying out an attack on the US SEC, which caused the price of bitcoin to skyrocket

The Department of Justice (DOJ) says the FBI has arrested an Alabama man for his role in a January 2024 hack against the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) that caused bitcoin prices to skyrocket.

2024-10-17 23:44:20

美国司法部(DOJ)表示,联邦调查局(FBI)逮捕了一名阿拉巴马州男子,因他参与了 2024 年 1 月针对美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的黑客攻击,该事件曾导致比特币价格飙升。

2024-10-17 23:44:20
Analysis: Gotbit once claimed that selling WATER was to reduce the price to a fair level, but the amount sold far exceeded the amount bought

According to Lookonchain, the US SEC, FBI, and Department of Justice have sued Gotbit and other crypto companies for alleged fraud and market manipulation. Gotbit previously claimed that they sold WATER to bring the price down to a fair level, but it sold much more tokens than it bought.

2024-10-10 09:59:46
The US Department of Justice has filed an antitrust lawsuit against Visa for debit card payments

On September 25, the Department of Justice (DOJ) filed an antitrust lawsuit against payment giant Visa, accusing it of monopolizing debit card payments. On September 24, a complaint filed in federal court in New York alleges that Visa used exclusivity agreements and threats of penalties against suppliers to prevent competitors from encroaching on its market share. Visa reportedly has a 60% market share in US debit card transactions, generating $7 billion in revenue from transaction fees alone. T...

2024-09-25 12:28:06

9月25日消息,美国司法部(DOJ)对支付巨头 Visa 提起反垄断诉讼,指控其垄断借记卡支付。 9月24日,一份提交给纽约联邦法院的诉状称,Visa 利用排他性协议和对供应商的处罚威胁,阻止竞争对手侵犯其市场份额。据报道,Visa在美国借记卡交易领域占有 60%的市场份额,仅交易费用就能获得 70 亿美元的收入。 诉状还称,Visa利...

2024-09-25 12:28:06